
Read The Amazing Story of Dr. Megrelian’s Itinerant Circus and Human Zoo

“”Two dollars and fifty cents,” Silas, who could drive as good a bargain as Megrelian, responded.

“And you can have my boy for a dollar a day. With the rye and soybean harvests months away, there ain’t no work in Harlan.” 

“Deal,” the good doctor agreed, handing over the money and the shoes.”

Read untitled [1]

“We kissed so passionately that flowers began to grow outside the cemetery”

Read Midnight Tracks

“Echoing through the quiet carriages, the rhythmic beating of the engine felt like the only thing keeping us alive.

Wearily, I leaned my head against the glass, shuddering at its cold touch against my dry, cracked cheek. My eyes felt heavy.”

Read Fortune

“One of these mornings I’ll wake up alone/
I’ll go back home and taste the Black Sage” 

Read Where’s Home

“Memories and moments, people/
Like pieces found”

Read Brandi-Ann’s Essay Untitled

“I wake up to an unsettling fatigue. I brush it off as the lack of sleep I have carried from the year before. I tuck it away because I am banking on 2024.”

Read My Roommate

“The face in the mirror/
is as feminine as hers.”

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