What the Universe Said
Sandy (Olson-Hill)
addressing the dead while the World opened
skin to layer you in mystery & space. Face
after face, the heart has stories, place, provisions, living
water if water were, if you were not
still under stone. & Texas terrain & Sunlight
bent under the strain, under the stain of May.
from Uvalde Classrooms across the grass,
are doors to desks to floors to halls.
In hemispheres that call no more, war
tall branches yield, nor more, but raise their
root to fist for every spun from breath & Sun.
For Mars is packing sulfide ore and Jupiter
is solar wired. Strategize to do away,
said the planets to the prey
Don’t sleep the seas, but cast and trawl where rivers reap &
pluck from firmament to hail to sleet to flow,
where methane rains where cosmic rivers bank
and bend the planetary heads to matter slain & see
other worlds embrace the weight of Jupiter
between your dreams. What could’ve been
won’t again. We ain’t got no answers. Here
is none. But ante up, we’ve got your
fear, fallen in order. Falling
is water. What is left. What is here.
A lie, a thief, the exodus of God to grief.