

(Nwa Rizvi) and Kristia Vasiloff

Deciding to write this editorial together was a forgone conclusion. Truly, if not for Nwa (or for Kristia and her eternally infectious excitement), my amazing co-editor (likewise), this issue would not be possible, let alone the continuation of the magazine we had both come to love. The Missing Slate Magazine had announced its final run in November 2023 with one caveat: Maryam, the previous Editor in Chief, since the magazine’s conception in 2010, was willing to pass the torch and legacy of the magazine (along with priceless advice based on her own experiences). 

For me, it was the mission of the magazine that brought me to where I am now, raising voices of marginalized creators across all walks of life in all types of art (for me, it was fueling the continued flame of a sacred space that many had come to think of as an extension of their self expression). It was a gift to know that who I would end up running the magazine with would become a trusted colleague, co-conspirator, and friend. An actual friend (I am truly laughing in the way that makes your heart feel like it has expanded a little bit, just thinking about the ways in which we have come to depend on each other as friends)! Extending the magic of this experience, we were able to assemble an awesome team (one we hope to expand) and create the next building block of The Missing Slate: Issue 18, Homebound. 

A word on Homebound before you read it: please hold each page with the enormity of trust that was put into it. Trust yourselves through the journeys of these writers and artists as they take you through the many interpretations, experiences, losses, joys, and loves of this Issue. We also ask that you participate in our mission for Homebound: we are supporting and sponsoring Amal Abu al-Rish from Gaza, who is facing current displacement during the ongoing genocide with her husband and three sons. Please read her story as well, and we hope you come to understand the kindness inherent of her personhood as we do. 

This issue is the undertaking of many, and for that we say a huge thank you to our team: Khadija, Rameen, Saniya, and Taqdees. This could not have been made without the many hours and care put in (as well as the ideas and many avenues for implementation of these ideas). Thank you, Maryam, for entrusting this needed magazine with us. Most importantly, we thank our contributors (who are moving powerhouses we can never be proud enough of) for placing your trust in us with your work (and our suggestions for edits; you were all patient and kind). It is humbling to read, edit, and work on pieces so integral to the soul. Thank you to everyone who applied, and we hope to see you again in future additions! 

This issue is sectioned into five parts, with a separate part for our mission. Each part (Body, Bound, Boundless, Barricade, Bond, and our mission: Brave), encapsulates the feelings or experiences of Homebound, and in its permutations both Home and Bound.

We hope you enjoy reading this, taking this in, dipping every part of your body into the ideas and many homes of our contributors, as you live in this issue. 

May ease find you where it can,

Free occupied land,

Kristia Vasiloff (and Nwa Rizvi)

Co-Editors in Chief

The Missing Slate Magazine 

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